General Information

  • The Language Centre is located in Building 40 (G40, Faculty of Humanities) on the Zschokkestraße campus.
  • Building 40 (G40) is situated approximately 550 metres (1/3 mile) to the west of Universitätsplatz.
  • Obligatory language courses are free of charge. All others cost a small fee. More information can be found here.
  • UNIcert® ensures the quality of foreign language training and testing at the university.
  • The UNIcert® quality seal certifies the ability to act in a foreign language in the context of studies and academic professions.

GER = Gemeinsamer Europäischer Referenzrahmen

CEFR = Common European Framework of Reference for Languages

  • The CEFR states the language level of a language learner and is divided as follows:

SWS is the unit to determine the duration of a class. It stands for Semesterwochenstunden which translates into semester hours per week. One SWS equals 45 minutes per week for the duration of the semester (around 14 weeks). For our courses this means:

  • 2 SWS = one class of 90 mins per week
  • 4 SWS = two classes of 90 mins (180 mins in total) per week

Learning platform of the language centre used for:

  • Provision of course materials and media
  • Submission of homework assignments
  • Submission of exam essays or test abstracts
  • Internal course communication

Registration period:

31 March 2025, 9:00 until
18 April 2025, 18:00


Classes begin on 7 April 2025, circumstances permitting.

Last Modification: 14.09.2023 - Contact Person: Holger Illian