Registration period:
31 March 2025, 9:00 until
18 April 2025, 18:00
Classes begin on 7 April 2025, circumstances permitting.
Source: UNIcert®. (n.d.) The UNIcert® Foreign Language Certificate.
The UNIcert® Foreign Language Certificate is a uniformally regulated certification of foreign language competency in and beyond Germany, which is relevant for future graduates. Students can acquire the UNIcert® certificate at universities and higher education institutions as an additional qualification, alongside their studies.
For over 25 years, the AKS, the German association of language centres, language teaching institutes and institutes of foreign languages, has been the official holder of the UNIcert® seal of quality. This seal of quality is based on the framework agreement of leading German higher education institutions, and is scientifically supported by the UNIcert® executive committee.
The UNIcert® training and certification system certifies higher education foreign language skills for the levels UNIcert® Basis and UNIcert® I-IV. Since the five UNIcert® levels correspond to the A2-C2 levels of the Common European Framework of Languages, it is possible to make a qualified assessment of students’ language competencies at higher education institutions.
The strength of UNIcert® is in its flexibility, in particular the flexibility it offers to higher education institutions with regards to meeting the needs of certain target groups. The fact that taking part in a UNIcert® programme is completely voluntary allows the students to consciously choose to do so to acquire an additional qualification.
Within the framework of the guidelines of the UNIcert® association for all fields of training and testing, as well as of a common understanding as members of the association, the universities administer their own certification programmes, design their own training content and examinations in accordance with their own needs. The examinations take place at the respective university, and the certificates are issued by the respective university.
Registration period:
31 March 2025, 9:00 until
18 April 2025, 18:00
Classes begin on 7 April 2025, circumstances permitting.
Otto-von-Guericke-Universität Magdeburg
Zschokkestraße 32
39104 Magdeburg
Tel.: +49 (391) 67 56516
You can find out which courses are currently on offer at the Language Centre here.
The language courses are fee-based, with some exceptions.
Last Modification: 26.09.2021 - Contact Person:
Holger Illian