Latest news

Eine super Gelengenheit Französisch zu sprechen...!

Hi! We are two French volonteers at EJBM. We would like to propose you to picnic together at Prämonstratenserberg Park Tuesday 17 May and Friday 20 May at 1:00pm.

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Unicert® III/A: English in Social Sciences

In winter semester 2021/22 a new Unicert® III/A course for English in Social Sciences will be offered. This course is open to all students and is an optional course for selected students of Humanities.

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Spanish intensive course

El lunes empiezan nuestros minicursos intensivos. Am Montag beginnen die Spanisch-Intensivkurse. Ya lo hemos preparado todo. ¡Bienvenidos de nuevo a la uni!

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Präsenzprüfungen in Deutsch als Fremdsprache im September 2021

The German department is offering presence exams at the A1, A2, B1, and B2 levels on 22–23 September 2021.

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Eine super Gelengenheit Französisch zu sprechen...!

Hi! We are two French volonteers at EJBM. We would like to propose you to picnic together at Prämonstratenserberg Park Tuesday 17 May and Friday 20 May at 1:00pm.

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Eine super Gelengenheit Französisch zu sprechen...!

Hi! We are two French volonteers at EJBM. We would like to propose you to picnic together at Prämonstratenserberg Park Tuesday 17 May and Friday 20 May at 1:00pm.

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Verschiebung Klausureinsichttermin

Der Klausureinsichttermin DaF A1/ DaF A2 um eine Woche vom 14.08.2024 auf den 21.08.2024

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For all incoming students of the winter semester 2024/25:

The information event about the German courses will take place in building 40 room 238 at 13 p.m. on 7th October 2024. We are look forward to seeing you there!

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Last Modification: 04.03.2025 - Contact Person: Holger Illian