Italian: UNIcert® I.1—Course description

The UI/1 course is aimed at level A1 (and eventually A2) of the Common European Frame of Reference. In class, the fundamental structures of Italian will be introduced and developed: Intonation and sentence stress, personal and possessive pronouns, articles, prepositions, nouns, adjectives, adverbs of time, numbers, time, present tense, perfect tense, imperfect tense, using the imperfect and perfect tenses, stressed and unstressed pronouns.

Furthermore, contemporary audio and video material will be used to introduce students to the Italian world.

A presentation on a topic of choice is possible.

The course helps students to develop the following capabilities:

  • to introduce themselves and others, and to achieve certain goals, such as shopping for groceries, booking a hotel room, expressing preferences, buying a ticket, asking for information about timetables and trains.
  • to understand common sentences and expressions used in everyday situations, such as enquiries about friends and family, study, experiences abroad, work, holidays, and local environment.
  • to discuss situations and events in the past.

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